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Year 1

10.05.24 - Literacy!

Our Literacy topic this term is all about African Animals. We were sent a letter from a Safari Keeper called Andy; he sent us a report about Meerkats and asked us if he were able to write our own about another animal. Each class has been researching a chosen animal and this week we have started to put all of that information together in preparation for writing it ourselves. 


26.04.24 - Science!

This week Orange Base have been very excited, the Red base chicks have started to hatch! We took children down in groups to see them as they couldn't be out of the incubator for longer than 10 minutes!  We spoke about our own experiences of chicks when we were in Red Base and what we could remember. 


15.04.24 - Benjamin Zephaniah Week!

This week we have been learning about Benjamin Zephaniah, we have explored his poems, songs and even drew our own portraits!  In Literacy we have created our own acrostic poem which we are really excited to perform in our special school assembly next week.




22.03.24 - Creative Project Work!

We have been looking at the artist Jeff Koons. He creates very large sculptures and uses metallic colours to make them shine! We were particularly inspired by his flower sculptures and decided to create our own. We used paper mache to build the different parts, painted them using metallic colours and then connected the parts together. 



15.03.24 - Science!

This week we have finished off our growing science topic! We invited all of the parents into school to come and plant their very own sunflower or bean to take home. We spoke about all the things we have learnt during this topic such as... learning what each part of a plant is called and then labelling it, what a plant needs to grow, how to plant a plant and the children also became scientists and we currently have an ongoing experiment in class where we planted 3 beans at the start of the topic and placed them in different areas of the classroom to see where it would grow best! 



08.03.24 - RE!

In RE this week, the children listened to the biblical story ‘Jonah and the whale’. They then used actions to retell the story. Later they worked in groups to sequence the story.




01.03.24 - Art!

This week we have been learning all about Spring and linked this to our art learning! We have been looking at the different parts of a plant and then moved on to create some observational drawings. Our work is incredible!



23.02.24 - Understanding of the World!

To finish our topic of 'Where are we from?' we had a day celebrating all of the children and their backgrounds. The children came into school wearing their cultural/special clothing as well as the adults in school! In the morning we had our Family Friday session with all of the parents who came to join the celebrations with activities such as Mehendi, creating Romanian bracelets and other exciting activities. In the afternoon we had a party where the children tasted food from different countries that the children had bought in from home. We discussed what country the food was from and whether they had tasted it before. It was a lovely day and the children thoroughly enjoyed discussing themselves and others!






09.02.24 - PE!

The children in Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed PE this half term! We have been focusing on developing and applying our ball skills as well as looking at exploring and describing these skills. We have been looking at exploring and describing different movements, selecting and linking movements together. We have also been working on the collaborative cog to work with others to compare movements and skills. 


01.02.24 - Understanding the World

This half-term we have been looking at different continents, countries and their capital cities. In our topic this week we have been exploring this further and using our knowledge, alongside finding out more information in atlases, maps and globes. We then used this new knowledge to draw and write about our world!



22.01.24 - Marvellous Maths!

In maths this week we have learnt all about place value to 50. We have been focusing on making groups of tens, partitioning numbers into tens and ones, estimating on a number line to 50 and looking at one more and one less. It has been a very practical week which has supported us to have a stronger understanding of how many tens and ones are in each number! We have also focused on counting forwards and backwards from any number within 50. 



15.01.24 - Focus on Literacy!

This week we have been learning all about Bangladesh and Pakistan. In Topic, we spent some time in our corridor reading area looking at books linking to this, some children were able to find the flag of their home country in the books! We also spoke about the different languages in some of the books and whether anyone spoke that language. 

In Literacy, we have been looking at using Colourful Semantics to support us in building and writing sentences; understanding the structure of sentences. We have also been looking at the grammatical features of a sentence, identifying where capital letters, finger spaces and full stops are within a written text and editing the text to add them if they were missing.