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Online Safety

**Scroll down to view tips for parents to keep themselves and their children safe on the internet **

It is really important that parents and carers work with us to ensure children stay safe in their use of technology. When we talk about e-safety, we are not just talking about the internet. We are talking about the use of computers, games consoles (such as Xbox or PS), mobile phones, televisions, tablets (such as the iPad) and many other things.

There are several elements to Internet Safety that we teach at Bankside Primary School:

  1. How to use the internet safely, and what to do if something goes wrong or we see something we shouldn't
  2. How to keep ourselves safe - keeping our details private and keeping our data secure
  3. How to behave when using technology - being courteous and responsible, and what to do if others treat us in a way which is not kind. This strand also links with our behaviour and anti-bullying policies.
  4. Encouraging a healthy use of technology - not over-using mobiles, consoles or computers.

If your child is worried

Talk to your child about what to do if they see content that worries or upsets them. Let them know they can talk to you, or another trusted adult, without getting in trouble if they do come across something that worries them.


If your child does see or do something, or meet someone online that worries them, they will be looking for your support. Try not to overreact if they tell you about something that has happened to them.

  • Emphasise they have made a good decision by sharing their concerns
  • Allow them to share what they want with you. Try to listen rather than ask lots of questions to begin with.
  • Offer emotional support, and let them know you’ll help.
  • Let them know the next steps you’ll be taking, such as reporting, accessing help and support, and calling the NSPCC helpline for further advice.

Whatever the worry child line is available for children 24/7. They can call 0800 1111

Or visit

For tips, guidance and useful links, please take a look at some of the links below:

  • NSPCC Online Safety
    • Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
  • Online Safety Helpline

    • O2 and NSPCC want to help your family enjoy the best of the digital world safely and confidently. To help, they have put lots of useful information on their website or if you would prefer to speak to someone, call their Online Safety Helpline on 0808 800 5002. Lines are open from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm on weekends and will be free of charge.

  • UK Safer Internet Centre 

    • The website has further advice and guidance for young people and parents about staying safe online.

  • Internet Matters App for parents and children 

    • Internet Matters’ is an app designed to help parents talk about e-safety issues with their children, and to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online. It is aimed at children aged between 8-10. A split-screen collaborative app helps children think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyberbullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know. Quizzes and games encourage parents and children to collaborate and talk about 9 different e-safety subjects.