To provide the children of our community with a rich mathematical curriculum, that inspires exploration and celebrates investigation through a mastery approach. To put down strong roots for success, focusing on ensuring that pupils master a range of mathematical skills and knowledge by the time they finish their educational journey with us.
At Bankside Primary School, we aim to inspire all children to become confident, independent mathematicians. We provide children with a vocabulary rich environment to allow them to express their mathematical ideas and share what they know confidently and fluently in a range of contexts. Our pupils have access to a wide range of mathematical resources; their use is embedded in the daily routine of a maths lesson and is actively celebrated so that children have a secure understanding of different mathematical concepts. Lessons are carefully constructed by our educators; moving fluidly between abstract, concrete and pictorial representations of number, to embed knowledge in the long-term memory through practise and repetition. Questions are carefully selected based around the small steps provided by the White Rose maths curriculum.
At Bankside Primary School, we follow the White Rose Scheme for learning. Using the long term plans provided by the White Rose scheme, the small steps form the basis of our lessons, all planning is designed to include:
Early Years
Seed to Sapling scheme , followed by Maths Mastery programme in Reception and Year 1 to create strong roots and understanding of number before beginning the White Rose Scheme. Our aim is to put down strong roots in the early years before building on these important foundations using the National Curriculum.
A fluid concrete, pictorial, abstract approach
Key Stage 1 and 2
A fluid concrete, pictorial, abstract approach
Mastery embedded throughout
To meet the three main aims of the National Curriculum for Mathematics: problem solving, reasoning and fluency
We deploy staff effectively to help identify and address gaps in children’s mathematical understanding to raise overall attainment.
At Bankside our aim is to provide as many opportunities for our children to recall and retain their learning. Our assessment of pupils' progress allows us to target and address gaps in learning and offer support where needed.
We introduce a daily times table programme in the summer term of Year 2, with the expectation that children will be able to answer any times table fact up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4, ready for their statutory test
Termly White Rose assessments to support teacher assessments
Day to day assessment from teacher marking and targeted intervention to ensure gaps are closed quickly
Daily recall of key facts within our maths sessions to help children to recall and embed mathematical concepts into their long-term memory.